What is faith? We have faith that someone is telling us the truth. We have faith that professionals are doing their job well. We have faith that restaurants are preparing good food. We have faith in so many areas without even thinking about it. A life without faith is a life of paranoia.
How is it so hard to have faith in what the Bible tells us, but we don't doubt the author of South Beach Diet, or a prescription written by a doctor?
The accountability of so many systems may be lacking, but we continue with faith.
Could the difference lie in the product of biblical faith?
In trusting the Word of God, the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit, or wise counsel of a godly person, the response means there is a commitment in a relationship, not just a mistake which could be a health hazard.
We may lose a certain degree of control if we truly believe the Lord.
In the same way that a young girl jumps into her Daddy's arms from the top of the stairs, we fling ourselves into His arms.
So, did we hit the floor? Only a human father would damage a child by being so sadistic.
How does that translate into real life?
Does God speak and then take back His Words? Does He give a gift and take it back when we don't use it wisely? There are fallen leaders who continue to speak truth, show mercy, reflect His love, etc.
What is His Word? "Rhema" Did Job doubt when God spoke?
I lose myself in misgivings thinking I didn't really hear that. There are logical explanations, etc.
Deep down, the message resounds. "You are my beloved"
Thank you, Lord.
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