Monday, July 19, 2010


Everyone knows how important attitude is. It is emphasized in the business world, personal relationships, parent/child relationships, etc. Many who are conscious of that need for great customer service and care force themselves to smile and comment to keep the status of a job or the company. What about the one who is going through a divorce, grieving over the death of a relative or friend, or death of a friendship? The charade must go on, or the secret shopper may catch a frown or sour temperament. Is there another way for a good attitude? For those who are not the Tiggers of life(Winnie the Pooh), there is a solution. Whatever our situation there is a verse in Ps 121:1-3 that says "I will lift up my eyes unto the hills from which comes my help." Each morning when I open my eyes, I lift up my spirit to "the hills". In lifting up we are refusing to have a melancholic day. We are lifting it up for God to be God today and handle whatever may come.

Approximately 2000 years ago a man who had done no wrong was "lifted up" on a cross on a hill. What is it about lifting up? How many of us want to lift something. It is not easy, but we put it above our heads. We offer it up to God. Jesus was lifted up where He willingly gave His life as a sacrifice for our sin. "And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up." John 3:14 Moses had lifted up a snake on a pole. All of the people who had been bitten by snakes(symbolic of sin) could look up at the pole with the snake on it and be healed. The snake(sin) on a wooden pole(cross) brought freedom and health. Today the snake on a pole is the symbol of the American Medical Association.

For a healthy day, lift up your eyes to a hill far away where sin was conquered. This is my free gift to you today.

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