I put this on our Handles & Bangles site that Rebekah and I own. 'thought it might be meaningful to others.
Standing in front of the mirror, you finish up the makeup, grab the right accessories for the outfit...shoes, handbag, scarf. Toss in the mirror to keep that look all day. Morning meetings, phone calls, checking off the "to do" list, quick break and it is time to check the mirror.A touch of lipcolor is needed. Freshen up the eye shadow. Catch a slight smudge of mascara. Off in a whirl to other meetings, fulfillment of responsibilities, etc and one peek in the magic glass to see if you're presentable for that big presentation. At the end of the day, the face is washed clean, the shoes and accessories are shed, comfy clothes replace the attire of the day. What do you see now? Who are you really? Who do you want to be? What is reality? What is a dream? The eyes staring back are the windows of the soul. What is in the soul? Did the accomplishments of the day reflect the heart of your passion? Possibly so. You look with satisfaction at yourself and those eyes say you were great today. Maybe they looked back at you saying, "Something is missing." Does the mirror lie? It is just a reflection.
There is a verse in the Bible about looking through a glass darkly...where we can't really see very well. Then, face to face we shall know. That face to face is being in the presence of Jesus and knowing everything well. No more reflections, assumptions, delusions. We will know and see reality as reality. For now, we must see reflections. The Bible reveals God as He really is. We can look in the Bible and read to see God as He truly is. To go a measure closer to reality, we can actually have the Spirit of God in our lives explaining truth to us, revealing God's true heart.
To "see" this reality, admit that you are imperfect(not only on the outside, but on the inside) and that you need a perfect Savior. Because God loves you so incredibly much, He sent His only Son, Jesus, to die for your sins and imperfections. Ask God to forgive you of all sin. Trust God's heart and believe that Jesus(equally God) wants to live in your heart and be your most intimate friend and love. Ask Him to come in. He will.
For tomorrow, you'll need that mirror again for the touchups to look your best at work. Each time you peek in, do you see a wink of joy glistening, because Jesus loves you so much.
Look up Rhinestone Heart Mirror on this website. The URL is http://www.handlesandbangles.com/product/EA-GM1271B I'm not so great with links, but more importantly remember that God loves you today!
This blog enters the home of Jeff and Ruth Triebel, parents(& in-laws) of daughter, Anna Beth Morgan, husband, Keith, and son, Jace; daughter,Rebekah Cummins, husband, Matt; daughter, Cassia; daughter, Joanna; and son, Paul. We are a family experiencing what true grace really means.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Unfortunately, our world does not really understand what goodness is. Many people resent a good person, because of how uncomfortable it is when there are secret or overt sins. There's a sense of judgment that is perceived even if the person is not actually judging. Some people appear to be good, and yet, it is by sheer determination that they are accomplishing a set of rules. Those people are harsh in judgments of others who are not following the same rules. Goodness is so highly misunderstood. Robert McGee brings such a great word picture to us in Search for Significance. He asks what happens when you squeeze a tube of toothpaste. The answer, "toothpaste." He further explains that in the pressures of life people are "squeezed." Whatever is inside comes out. I'm reminded of the Fruits of the Spirit books & tapes(yes, cassette tapes). The one for goodness dealt with concepts of honey. True goodness is like honey. The more the Lord fills my life with his goodness, I should be full of honey, figuratively speaking. In the squeeze of life, what comes out? honey I repent and apologize for my pharisaical(sp?) judgments, inappropriate venting, etc of the past. I can determine (white knuckle it) to never do that again. However, I am too weak to prevent it. The only way for things to change is if the Holy Spirit fills me with His Goodness. Then when I am squeezed, hopefully all that is in me and all that comes out is honey.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Where is the perfect connection of our will and His? I'm just beginning to learn about my self-determined vows to be the perfect mom, most loving, etc. Even though the vows are consistent with the heart of God, self-determination is no different than an utopian world. Only walking in His vision and His direction with His empowering can I be what He chose me to be, even before the foundations of the earth were laid... Ephesians 1:4-6. ??? According to some very wise biblical scholars, self-determined vows set up stony hearts... quite the opposite of what I had in mind. In yielding all my expectations, desires and dreams to Him, there is the fulfillment of His Heart, which is perfect.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Sometimes in a vortex of circumstances that are overwhelming, we lose sight of those who are precious to us. At times like this, I look for some way to find relief in a tangible person who might possibly understand. However, in reality, we each have specific circumstances that no one else can truly understand. Only the Lord truly understands. In that place, He does the healing. Then our eyes are open to all the relationships that are valuable. Why is it that we always feel so alone when life is overwhelming? It isn't really true, but life can make us feel that way. There are myriads of people who have experienced similar circumstances, or their set of circumstances though different are traumatic in their own way. The Lord is Jehovah Rapha (Our Healer). In Him there is healthy, wholesome life. Once we are able to look up again, we see the faces of faithful friends. There is not the need to find someone else out there who might possibly relieve the pain. "By His stripes we are healed." No other person on earth is capable of reaching down into our inner being and "restoring our soul". In this place, I thank everyone who has prayed for me and my family. He hears and He answers.
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