Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Today Joanna will have an echocardiogram done. Praise the Lord her blood work and EKG came back normal. Pray that that turns out well. What is an echo? a sound that reverberates back to the original point. It's fascinating all the knowledge that can be gained by sound waves. I know of mapping the ocean floor, but not mapping the human heart. Is it possible to map the human heart? What would be the deepest chamber? Where does a heart break? Are there ways to measure when the beat is heavy? How does one comprehend the connection between the heart and the soul? The elusive soul cannot be mapped by human comprehension; it is beyond science. The personality and emotional responses can be studied, but there is Only One Who truly knows. He is the Great Physician. He heals not only the organism called the heart, but the soul.

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