Monday, December 13, 2010

Spurgeon Devo

Daily Readings
Charles H. Spurgeon

“Salt without prescribing how much.”

- Ezra 7:22

Salt was used in every offering made by fire unto the Lord, and from its preserving and purifying properties it was the grateful emblem of divine grace in the soul. It is worthy of our attentive regard that, when Artaxerxes gave salt to Ezra the priest, he set no limit to the quantity, and we may be quite certain that when the King of kings distributes grace among his royal priesthood, the supply is not cut short by him. Often are we straitened in ourselves, but never in the Lord. He who chooses to gather much manna will find that he may have as much as he desires. There is no such famine in Jerusalem that the citizens should eat their bread by weight and drink their water by measure. Some things in the economy of grace are measured; for instance our vinegar and gall are given us with such exactness that we never have a single drop too much, but of the salt of grace no stint is made, “Ask what thou wilt and it shall be given unto thee.” Parents need to lock up the fruit cupboard, and the sweet jars, but there is no need to keep the salt-box under lock and key, for few children will eat too greedily from that. A man may have too much money, or too much honour, but he cannot have too much grace. When Jeshurun waxed fat in the flesh, he kicked against God, but there is no fear of a man’s becoming too full of grace: a plethora of grace is impossible. More wealth brings more care, but more grace brings more joy. Increased wisdom is increased sorrow, but abundance of the Spirit is fulness of joy. Believer, go to the throne for a large supply of heavenly salt. It will season thine afflictions, which are unsavoury without salt; it will preserve thy heart which corrupts if salt be absent, and it will kill thy sins even as salt kills reptiles. Thou needest much; seek much, and have much.

Monday, October 11, 2010


I started this blog with writings on reflections, ripples in the water, etc. Today the ripples are still. The mirror is clear. What may appear one way sometimes can be distorted. Perception and reality mesh and the image is clear. "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus." Phil 2:5-8 points us to the perfect perception. 5 Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, 7 but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.

Without this mind the dots connect in patterns that do not exalt Christ. Wrong conclusions are derived from misleading thoughts. "He will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You." Isaiah 26:3 Such incredible peace flows in this place where our mind joins with The Holy Trinity to see as He sees. Through the lens of belief, we actually see what others cannot see. "Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory" 1 Peter 1:8

This is mindboggling to me. There are those people who are close to important people and stars. By being in the inner circle they get to know these celebrities. Even in those circles they do not know the thoughts of their dearest friends. The Most Important Entity/Person existing is so intimate with us that our thoughts join.

Of course, God reserves His Privacy in unpermitted areas. Sin came about in the beginning of time when Adam & Eve ate from the forbidden tree. The Garden was full of wonderful food, perfect living conditions, etc. The temptation was to have it all. If we could just fathom how much is available to us. We don't have to know all of God's secrets. What is revealed is so rich, so deep, and so life-transforming, that we can be totally satisfied without even a glance at forbidden territory.

"Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. " Ps 23:5 Overflowing! Our lives can be not only full, but overflowing.

Out of a full cup, the overflow is what reaches to a world stumbling in blindness, groping for a flicker of recognition or light enough to take the next step. It is true that we as Christians are full. We have the answers for starving humanity in a dry and thirsty land. The reason there is no overflow is that our eyes are not "stayed on You." Isaiah 26:3

Friday, October 1, 2010


I'm reminded of names we wrote on the floor of Houston's First Baptist Church during remodeling before they put the carpet down. It is now called Foundations of Prayer and many prayers are being answered, because people pray over the names that are written. We have also experienced answered prayer, but the fruits are unto the Lord at this time. Those people will share their stories without shame, as they cannot keep it to themselves. In the fullness of time there will resounding praise.

I read Spurgeon's devotional for today and had to share.

"Pleasant fruits, new and old; which I have laid up for thee, O my beloved."
Song of Solomon 7:13

"The spouse desires to give to Jesus all that she produces. Our heart has 'all manner of pleasant fruits,' both 'old and new,' and they are laid up for our Beloved. At this rich autumnal season of fruit, let us survey our stores. We have new fruits. We desire to feel new life, new joy, new gratitude; we wish to make new resolves and carry them out by new labors; our heart blossoms with new prayers, and our soul is pledging herself to new efforts. But we have some old fruits too. There is our first love: a choice fruit that! and Jesus delights in it. There is our first faith: that simple faith by which, having nothing, we became possessors of all things. There is our joy when first we knew the Lord: let us revive it. We have our old remembrances of the promises. How faithful has God been! In sickness, how softly did he make our bed! In deep waters, how placidly did he buoy us up! In the flaming furnace, how graciously did he deliver us. Old fruits, indeed! We have many of them, for his mercies have been more than the hairs of our head. Old sins we must regret, but then we have had repentances which he has given us, by which we have wept our way to the cross, and learned the merit of his blood. We have fruits, this morning, both new and old; but here is the point-they are all laid up for Jesus. Truly, those are the best and most acceptable services in which Jesus is the solitary aim of the soul, and his glory, without any admixture whatever, the end of all our efforts. Let our many fruits be laid up only for our Beloved; let us display them when he is with us, and not hold them up before the gaze of men. Jesus, we will turn the key in our garden door, and none shall enter to rob thee of one good fruit from the soil which thou has watered with thy bloody sweat. Our all shall be thine, thine only, O Jesus, our Beloved!

Sunday, September 26, 2010


I put this on our Handles & Bangles site that Rebekah and I own. 'thought it might be meaningful to others.

Standing in front of the mirror, you finish up the makeup, grab the right accessories for the, handbag, scarf. Toss in the mirror to keep that look all day. Morning meetings, phone calls, checking off the "to do" list, quick break and it is time to check the mirror.A touch of lipcolor is needed. Freshen up the eye shadow. Catch a slight smudge of mascara. Off in a whirl to other meetings, fulfillment of responsibilities, etc and one peek in the magic glass to see if you're presentable for that big presentation. At the end of the day, the face is washed clean, the shoes and accessories are shed, comfy clothes replace the attire of the day. What do you see now? Who are you really? Who do you want to be? What is reality? What is a dream? The eyes staring back are the windows of the soul. What is in the soul? Did the accomplishments of the day reflect the heart of your passion? Possibly so. You look with satisfaction at yourself and those eyes say you were great today. Maybe they looked back at you saying, "Something is missing." Does the mirror lie? It is just a reflection.

There is a verse in the Bible about looking through a glass darkly...where we can't really see very well. Then, face to face we shall know. That face to face is being in the presence of Jesus and knowing everything well. No more reflections, assumptions, delusions. We will know and see reality as reality. For now, we must see reflections. The Bible reveals God as He really is. We can look in the Bible and read to see God as He truly is. To go a measure closer to reality, we can actually have the Spirit of God in our lives explaining truth to us, revealing God's true heart.

To "see" this reality, admit that you are imperfect(not only on the outside, but on the inside) and that you need a perfect Savior. Because God loves you so incredibly much, He sent His only Son, Jesus, to die for your sins and imperfections. Ask God to forgive you of all sin. Trust God's heart and believe that Jesus(equally God) wants to live in your heart and be your most intimate friend and love. Ask Him to come in. He will.

For tomorrow, you'll need that mirror again for the touchups to look your best at work. Each time you peek in, do you see a wink of joy glistening, because Jesus loves you so much.

Look up Rhinestone Heart Mirror on this website. The URL is I'm not so great with links, but more importantly remember that God loves you today!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Unfortunately, our world does not really understand what goodness is. Many people resent a good person, because of how uncomfortable it is when there are secret or overt sins. There's a sense of judgment that is perceived even if the person is not actually judging. Some people appear to be good, and yet, it is by sheer determination that they are accomplishing a set of rules. Those people are harsh in judgments of others who are not following the same rules. Goodness is so highly misunderstood. Robert McGee brings such a great word picture to us in Search for Significance. He asks what happens when you squeeze a tube of toothpaste. The answer, "toothpaste." He further explains that in the pressures of life people are "squeezed." Whatever is inside comes out. I'm reminded of the Fruits of the Spirit books & tapes(yes, cassette tapes). The one for goodness dealt with concepts of honey. True goodness is like honey. The more the Lord fills my life with his goodness, I should be full of honey, figuratively speaking. In the squeeze of life, what comes out? honey I repent and apologize for my pharisaical(sp?) judgments, inappropriate venting, etc of the past. I can determine (white knuckle it) to never do that again. However, I am too weak to prevent it. The only way for things to change is if the Holy Spirit fills me with His Goodness. Then when I am squeezed, hopefully all that is in me and all that comes out is honey.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Where is the perfect connection of our will and His? I'm just beginning to learn about my self-determined vows to be the perfect mom, most loving, etc. Even though the vows are consistent with the heart of God, self-determination is no different than an utopian world. Only walking in His vision and His direction with His empowering can I be what He chose me to be, even before the foundations of the earth were laid... Ephesians 1:4-6. ??? According to some very wise biblical scholars, self-determined vows set up stony hearts... quite the opposite of what I had in mind. In yielding all my expectations, desires and dreams to Him, there is the fulfillment of His Heart, which is perfect.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Sometimes in a vortex of circumstances that are overwhelming, we lose sight of those who are precious to us. At times like this, I look for some way to find relief in a tangible person who might possibly understand. However, in reality, we each have specific circumstances that no one else can truly understand. Only the Lord truly understands. In that place, He does the healing. Then our eyes are open to all the relationships that are valuable. Why is it that we always feel so alone when life is overwhelming? It isn't really true, but life can make us feel that way. There are myriads of people who have experienced similar circumstances, or their set of circumstances though different are traumatic in their own way. The Lord is Jehovah Rapha (Our Healer). In Him there is healthy, wholesome life. Once we are able to look up again, we see the faces of faithful friends. There is not the need to find someone else out there who might possibly relieve the pain. "By His stripes we are healed." No other person on earth is capable of reaching down into our inner being and "restoring our soul". In this place, I thank everyone who has prayed for me and my family. He hears and He answers.

Monday, August 16, 2010


In a place of trust, we gradually unpeel our gripping fingers of unbelief and allow another person to see our vulnerability. Only those who gently pry away the fingers are allowed in this place. I met a total stranger yesterday after church. I was sitting with my husband waiting for our son. This vibrant woman about my age was overloaded with the CDs of sermons from the Jewish man who had spoken previously. She began talking about her passion for Jewish people to recognize their Messiah. The Lord orchestrated our chance meeting. She spoke truths without my mouth opening. She shared deep things of God that filled my tank. Her infectious energy for American freedom, personal freedom, and godly freedom was supernaturally planned. There was a kindred spirit that I had been searching to find. She sat down and joined me spiritually as though it were eternity and there was no such thing as time. Thank you, Lord, for an obedient heart who gave willingly.

Friday, August 13, 2010

A Safe Place

Safe usually refers to physical protection. It can be protection from storms, harm, or evil. A safe is a place where one usually puts their valuables and no one can steal them. Emotionally, it is much more difficult to find that place. The valuables of our heart cry out for a box where there is no harm. Some people have friends who are there and are not judgmental. They accept you as you are. You can say anything, even if it is rambling to them. People pay money for counselors to be that safe place. Counselors are trained, and confidences are safe.

Right now, the only safe place is in the arms of Jesus. In that place He knows all. He holds us and allows the pain and tears to flow. Humans care, but are clouded by their own perceptions. Judgment belongs to God, but people wield the sword thinking they are capable of dividing truth well. John Piper's book, Suffering and the Sovereignty of God, has a chapter, Waiting for the Morning in the Night of Weeping. It is in allowing the pain and not masking it for humanity, that we find a quiet respite of peace and safety. Only in the pain and through our tears do we see our Protector and Shepherd, and feel secure.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Woman of Valor

I'm reading So Long, Insecurity by Beth Moore. It encouraged me about what I've always heard as the "virtous woman." Valor is definitely what we women need in today's world. Beth gives the meaning of "valor" where KJV has given it "virtuous." Sometimes we get tired of being courageous. The verse was so timely from the Proverbs 31 passage. "She is clothed with strength and dignity." Again, strength is so needed for the challenges of life. Dignity is a puzzling concept. Pride is a sin. Dignity is how we are crowned. Wow! Queen, not just for a day, but for every day. We walk in the honor bestowed on us by Almighty God. We walk into the day facing our world knowing Who is our Maker, Redeemer and Strength. Belonging to Him, His daughter, His intimate friend, all because of Jesus. How can we thank Jesus enough for the Awesome Sacrifice He gave for us? Each day I discover something more about who I am in Christ. Pride is when I am trying to put myself out there in my own strength. It sure is weak. Dignity is given to us. We must wear it well.

Monday, July 19, 2010


Everyone knows how important attitude is. It is emphasized in the business world, personal relationships, parent/child relationships, etc. Many who are conscious of that need for great customer service and care force themselves to smile and comment to keep the status of a job or the company. What about the one who is going through a divorce, grieving over the death of a relative or friend, or death of a friendship? The charade must go on, or the secret shopper may catch a frown or sour temperament. Is there another way for a good attitude? For those who are not the Tiggers of life(Winnie the Pooh), there is a solution. Whatever our situation there is a verse in Ps 121:1-3 that says "I will lift up my eyes unto the hills from which comes my help." Each morning when I open my eyes, I lift up my spirit to "the hills". In lifting up we are refusing to have a melancholic day. We are lifting it up for God to be God today and handle whatever may come.

Approximately 2000 years ago a man who had done no wrong was "lifted up" on a cross on a hill. What is it about lifting up? How many of us want to lift something. It is not easy, but we put it above our heads. We offer it up to God. Jesus was lifted up where He willingly gave His life as a sacrifice for our sin. "And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up." John 3:14 Moses had lifted up a snake on a pole. All of the people who had been bitten by snakes(symbolic of sin) could look up at the pole with the snake on it and be healed. The snake(sin) on a wooden pole(cross) brought freedom and health. Today the snake on a pole is the symbol of the American Medical Association.

For a healthy day, lift up your eyes to a hill far away where sin was conquered. This is my free gift to you today.

Saturday, July 17, 2010


We connect with each other in so many different ways. One attempts to express love to another. Why is that love language foreign in the ears of the receiver? Why is the love not received? It is as though a translator is needed, because attempts to connect fall on deaf ears. Gary Chapman wrote 5 Languages of Love. There's physical contact, words, service, quality time and gifts. You can usually determine the language of the one who is attempting to show love. It becomes complicated in using that language to express love. The one who has the language of love of serving will serve food, laundry needs, housecleaning, etc. Does that same person expect service to be given to feel the love. The one who speaks love thinks it should reach the heart's target and be understood. Possibly service is more difficult. The quality time person would love to spend time without words. The verbal person expects to hear special words.

It is in allowing the Holy Spirit to move and challenge us to communicate in a language that is not natural to us, but triggers the right response in the recipient.

Understanding is not the only key. The real key is obedience to the Holy Spirit.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


The driving force for most people is pleasing people, approval. By striving to do our best, we satisfy the needs of the business and the team goals. That's a great thing, the way to be successful. However, caught up in that mentality for our very existence clouds a vacuum in our lives. We reach the top of the ladder, and there's always another rung. We get the approval of those significant persons, and we are hollow. We are imprisoned in a world where all our energies are spent trying to gratify others.

This happens in the corporate world and in the Christian world. Paul said that "we are accepted in the beloved." Eph 1:6 As I previously blogged using Ephesians 1:4-6, our striving can rest. The acceptance is already there. The more we allow His Spirit to work through us, the more we obey the Spirit's promptings, the more we know we belong. We are at home. We are completely accepted.

There's a club at UT Austin called Koinonia Christian Fellowship. Debbie Fitz wrote "I know that my identity is not defined by what I do or by my title. My true identity is that I am a sinner forgiven by God, a child of God, His servant." This is the ultimate identity. What we do plays into the picture, but after we are fully aware and enjoying His acceptance and approval.

Somewhere in the Psalms there is a word picture of a child weaned from his mother illustrating how we are satisfied and whole in Christ.


To choose is to pick out from others. We pick the best fruit or vegetables at the grocery store. Choosing team members involves picking the ones who will play best for the team. The decision is based on what knowledge is available and what our sense of appearance reveals to us. Others are considered inferior in the choice of the finest.

Interesting twist in spiritual things: In Ephesians 1:4-6 it says,"For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love 5he[c] predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will— 6to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves." Wow! The choosing here is with a foreknowledge that we will become The Chosen. Through Him, we will be holy and blameless. This choosing took place before the foundation of the earth.

How is this consistent with the verse that says that God is not willing that any perish (Matt 18:14)? Another verse explains it well. Matt 22:14 says that "many are called, but few are chosen." In this picture the team captain says, "You can all play." Only a few come up to the plate and offer their lives as a player. I would say this to me kids when they were growing up also. I call all of them to do some request. I could predict the ones who would respond and offer to help. My human foreknowledge is flawed. God's is flawless. The fault is not with God. He longs for all to come to Him and be all He created one to be. We are chosen!!! Chosen to be His princess or prince, His ambassador to the world, His arms, legs, eyes, smile, spoken Word to those who need outstretched arms, legs to take them somewhere, eyes to see their need and affirm them as special, smile to encourage their day, spoken Word to reveal the heart of God.

Chosen is significant in the spiritual world when we respond. The heart of our Father aches to leave the others behind. It aches when His Choice remains a vacant seat. It was reserved for that Chosen One. In reality, the choice is ours.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

"New" Verses

"...and put on the new self which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth." Eph 4:24 (New American Standard Version)

"Therefore if anyone is in Christ, He is a new creature; old things passed away; behold new things have come." 2 Cor 5:17 (New American Standard Version)

Read the previous blog for applications to identity in Christ.


New embodies the concept of perfection. We expect that when receiving an order by mail. We expect it when purchasing any merchandise. Idealistically we expect it in a new relationship, job, move to another location, etc. Those are our expectations. When the new wears off, we see flaws in people, merchandise and relationships. Some move on to the next "new" experience. You see that in the movie The Perfect Man with Heather Lockyear, Hillary Duff and Chris Noth. The single mom is always packing and moving when things go sour. Finally she comes to a place of reality.

Yes, reality dictates that new things break and people are not perfect. There's a place of acceptance and unconditional love that holds on to relationships when the cracks and stresses appear.

Spiritually, the opposite happens in Christ. We come to Him admitting our faults and weaknesses, our independent spirit unyielding to His Perfect Direction and Will, and our full knowledge that we can't measure up no matter how hard we try. We place trust in those nail-scarred hands, and we are "new." We aren't perfect, it's true. In Lamentations 3:22-23 it says, "The Lord's loving kindnesses indeed never cease for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning. Here's a place where each "new" day, His love is new. We became new when we asked Him into our life. We keep "new" each time we repeat repentance(sorry for sin) and ask for cleansing. We are renewed every day.

Identity in Christ: We are a new creation. Each day we are new. Someday we will have a new body, a resurrected body, that will never wear out or decay. Wow!!! Quite the opposite of the way the natural world operates.

Monday, July 12, 2010

A Name

Our name is our identity, what people call us, how they view us and we view ourselves.
In ancient times names held the total meaning of the person. If the person changed, the name changed. Abram was changed to Abraham. Sarai was changed to Sarah. Saul was changed to Paul when his eyes were opened to truth and his life completely redirected.

The meaning of names can steer a person to great fulfillment or disaster. It is in seeing the meaning through God's eyes where true identity blossoms. One of my daughter's has a name with what seems to be a negative meaning. I know it is the name we were to give her. The meaning is "noose" which suggests bondage, and negativity. I have seen personalized items with her meaning being "devoted one." A bond can be good or bad. We can bond to Christ and be so devoted and committed that nothing can break the bond. The negative side can be in bondage to darkness and sin. Our name does not drive us. It is the choice to make the meaning into life and health.

Another daughter has a form of Mary as a middle name. The word "myrrh" comes from it. It is interpreted "bitter." Naomi said, "Don't call me Naomi, but Mara(bitter)" Myrrh was a spice used to preserve the dead. It is a very gloomy possibility. We see Mary at the foot of the cross beholding the Son she raised dying a cruel death. Any mother wants to fix things for their kids and make it better. Any mother would do all in her power to rescue and relieve pain. She stood helplessly agonizing in bitter grief. Bitter, deep pain can drive us to more bitter pain to a point where it seems irredeemable. Deep pain when embraced can "enlarge the heart." Ps 119:32. When we identify with Christ, with find identity with a Suffering Savior. In that place, we are comforted(which means "with strength") Rather than choosing to be a bitter person, the bitter pain can drive us to a deep place of identity with Christ.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Identity lesson 1

Identity is how you see yourself. Sometimes we think of ourselves more highly than we should. Other times we degrade ourselves and don't see clearly. Our identity finds real meaning when we find it in Christ. He values us so much, that he gave His life for us. Some people do give their lives for those they love, in protecting them or fighting for a cause to preserve the lives of those dear to them. Jesus, fully God, died a cruel death, so your identity and true being would be a child of God. As a child of God(our King), we are princesses and princes. We are valued beyond our comprehension.

As women, it is a deep need to be admired and looked on with pleasure. In Psalms 45 it says "The king delights in your beauty." That is what every women desires. If that is not satisfied by a human male know that your Heavenly Father "rejoices over you with singing." Zephaniah 3:17 The next time you look in the mirror, see yourself as the daughter of the King.

For men, your Father is Mighty to save. See that also in Zephaniah 3:17. He wants you to "rest in His Love." He rejoices over you with singing in approval and acceptance of all you are and do. Do your best at all times. Know there is always a nod of approval, and a smile on His face. "Well done, my beloved".

Friday, July 9, 2010


I wrote this poem when I couldn't find my daughter's she gave me years ago.

I'm using it on my blog with for hobo bags, and the life of a hobo who leaves all behind for hope of a better life.


The past holds one captive
To lies and mistakes
So conscious efforts fail
To create new escapes.

The future holds promise
Of relief and new life
But realizing the vision
Casts doubt in the night.

The leap of the present,
A look south and north
Involves full release of
Past clutches before.

Sweet abandon leaves all
To land squarely on board,
Empty hands freed, open
And ready to soar.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Western Roundup

In our fast-paced contemporary world, there's sometimes a yearning inside to step into a new dimension. Is that why we find pleasure in innovative country western style for a change? Possibly the country western world is at your back door. You step out and inhale the fresh scent of larkspurs and leather. For those who long for it, but cannot embrace that, we may express that with fashion or decorating. There's some adorable western handbags at Find them on the last page of products.
On a spiritual level, there's a reality that can be attained. I call it "eternity moments." For me, it is as though time stops and I enter a different world. Peace and awesome wholeness fill me in such a way that my spirit transports to the open spaces. This is available, because I have a relationship with the Creator of the open spaces. The relationship started when I was born into a spiritual family, and became the daughter of The Creator. That relationship did not only give me access to this "place," it started an intimate Daddy relationship that filled a deep void in my life. My father loved me, but was extremely busy in the formative years. Later it was awkward and difficult to be close.
For those skeptics out there I know what you are thinking. This person is delusional. Most people who don't have a close relationship with their father find it difficult to allow God to get near their soul and heart. I've studied psychology and know about the energy fields and probes where pain, hunger, sadness, joy can be evoked with an electrical impulse. It is not unreasonable at all to understand that God Who Is fully Person(Entity) & fully Energy can communicate and fill the void that He created in our psyche.
A handbag, accessory of beautiful landscaping & decor can give us an effect of tranquility and a release from stresses of life. However, only in the arms of my DADDY am I fulfilled. For questions email me at

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Handles and Bangles

For choices of purses and handbags check out


When a young mother purchases a purse many times it is filled with an array of items which satisfy the needs of her children. For the time when delayed for lunch there's a snack. For those boring waits or meetings crayons and paper. Torn clothing could find a safety pin in Mom's purse. Torn hearts might find a Kleenex. Teachers brandish an ample supply of pens, pencils, highlighters, paper clips and note pads. The business woman holds important items for a quick restoring makeup finish before an important meeting, etc. Personality emerges from the pockets of a purse. Whatever style or person it carries your treasures...identification, debit cards, money, credit cards, license to drive a car, etc. Treasures deeper than material ones are carried in our hearts. "Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. "(Holy Bible) The lasting treasure can be found in the parable of the man who bought a field, because he knew there was a ruby buried in it. The ruby is symbolic for a lasting, eternal, spiritual kingdom of God. To find that ruby simply admit you are not perfect(have sinned) and are in need of trusting Jesus, the fulfillment of God's plan for you to experience relationship with Him. Reach out and accept the ruby(treasure) of God's forgiveness and salvation. Your treasure chest will be full. Check out

Friday, June 25, 2010


I am now starting 2 businesses. is manufactured handbags. Soon the bangles will appear. It has been interesting how one can connect with others around the world through emails. I love networking and the entrepreneurial element in me is being unleashed. I fear this new adventure, but the right doors open at the right time. I can't be in a hurry. It's OK to go at my own pace, to take in everything and slowly digest the parts and apply new information. I want the Lord to be glorified in this. Lord, keep Your light shining in this. is more for the handcrafted things I like to make. It also cannot become a stress, but continue to be an enjoyment. Big Sale is coming up at Post Oak Mall in College Station next weekend. It should be fun.

Family stretching and stresses have opened up areas in me that have been hidden. The light reveals what is really in me. In that place I bow before my Maker and beg for His Touch in my life to be His Heart poured out filling the needs of my adult children. It is a new chapter of life. It is so precious knowing that Abba Daddy knows exactly how to work in all of us as we change. The release of parental control is uncomfortable and painful sometimes. The flitting butterflies glimmer in the sunshine of freedom, and return in a much more beautiful way than if I had held them captive.

God, You are so Good!!!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


What is in a reflection pool? There are distortions. We don't really see ourselves clearly. The warps and ripples stretch and shrink the image to only a semblance of the true being. I don't know how to view myself right now. A career is ended...teaching, not only for pay, but homeschooling. 19 years of homeschooling. 4 1/2 years of public/private school teaching...2 1/2 at the beginning before family, and 2 at the end. So who am I really? I'm still the daughter of a Precious Heavenly Father. I will always be that. It will never change. In this life or the next. That will never change. What my Father wants at this point is not clear. I'm willing. I wait to hear. It's time to be still and know He is God. It time to lay down all expectations and responsibilities of the past and pick up a different set. Maybe I don't really want to see myself anyway. It's time to see His face more clearly. It's time to rearrange my priorities. It's not an empty nest, for now there are adult offspring living in my house (for a season). I don't know what that looks like, but again, it's time to be quiet and listen. The ripples will slowly settle. The water is still and clear. Perhaps there is a more humble person staring back at me, one who has seen the hand of God and relinquished control to Him. Possibly there's a more hopeful expression in trusting and not wrestling. There's a vision of a teen staring in the waters on a pond on the old farm. I brought my frustrations there. I watched the ripples. The still presence of the Lord always washed over me. I stood up and returned to the world at peace. That was many years ago. Wash it away again. It's time to walk away. Maybe this time I'll leave a spray of flowers in tribute for the Faithfulness I've experienced through all these years. Thank you, Lord. You never left me or forsook me.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Whispers of His Presence

How attentive am I to a distinctive rustle through the trees, a whisper of His presence? Simeon and Anna recognized the Messiah as a baby. The religious rulers crucified Him. Do I see Him when He brushes away my tears? Is He there when words are not enough? My sheep hear my Voice and they know Me. "Turn to the left." "Step this way." "Stand still." Hushed and gently He beckons. Creator of the Universe, Master of the Winds, still, small voice, "speak, Lord, for your servant hears."

Thursday, February 18, 2010

A New World with Just One Turn

A tiny key. When it is lost, we can't start the car or get in the house.

When it is found, it unlocks passage to duty or desire. So much has been written about the key to the heart, etc. There's myriads on the key to the kingdom. The search is endless for the key to power. There's no access to our world on the internet, our home, our friends, or eternity without a key.

The key? Look in the face of a child when we open that door. What does the child do? Walk in. In that face, we see a glimpse, a clue. We stand at the bottom of the stairs and with glee the little one jumps into our arms. The young swimmer jumps into the deep water, because Mom or Dad is nearby.

The simple childlike faith entitles us to the riches of the kingdom. We open the door and are never the same again.

Power comes only to those who hold the key in submission to the Master and vow to use it only for the sole glory and purpose of the Master. Power is lost the second self-interest emerges.

Only in this does the key turn.

Do we take God for granted?

Just reading in Deuteronomy 4.

32 -33 Ask questions. Find out what has been going on all these years before you were born. From the day God created man and woman on this Earth, and from the horizon in the east to the horizon in the west—as far back as you can imagine and as far away as you can imagine—has as great a thing as this ever happened? Has anyone ever heard of such a thing? Has a people ever heard, as you did, a god speaking out of the middle of the fire and lived to tell the story?

34 Or has a god ever tried to select for himself a nation from within a nation using trials, miracles, and war, putting his strong hand in, reaching his long arm out, a spectacle awesome and staggering, the way God, your God, did it for you in Egypt while you stood right there and watched?

This was in a day when the Holy Spirit didn't come to each person when they accepted Jesus, God's Son, as personal Lord and Savior. Moses was charging the people before they went into the Promised Land. We can call to remembrance so much also of how God has spoken and moved in our lives. He truly is mighty!!!

Monday, February 1, 2010


Acceptance. What does that mean? We crave the acceptance of others who will fully embrace us just as we are, without trying to be something better or fit in. Where do we find the filling for our soul? "Accepted in the beloved" the Bible says. Accepted and loved. Loved and accepted. I read 2 Chronicles 7:1 where Solomon's sacrifice was accepted when fire fell from heaven. The glory of the Lord so filled the temple that the priests couldn't enter. Back up a chapter and find the answer. 2 Chronicles 6:14 gives the key, "whole heart" toward God. That's difficult today... so many distractions and loyalties, but 100% toward God in my affections, focus, etc. 2 Chron 6:18 poses a question back in Old Testament history... Would God indeed dwell with men? Is that even possible? The rest of the chapter is full of heavy words about sin. The message is clear from Genesis to Revelation. If we repent, He will forgive, forget the past and shower us with love. Why did God demonstrate His acceptance of the sacrifice? There had to have been 100% repentance first. How awesome it is when God accepts the brokenhearted's sacrifice. The all-consuming fire of God is purifying, intense, and ALIVE!!! We don't serve a dead god. We serve a Living God Who grives over sin, but rejoices in the upturned face of childlike faith emanating an innocence rediscovered after repentance. So precious to be wrapped in those strong arms of refuge, support, love and ACCEPTANCE.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Ripples on the Water

Ripples bubble and gurgle in circular patterns at the disturbance where a stone pierced the calm. The patterns expand, diminish and disappear.

Today, my cup is full. The Lord has demonstrated that I am chosen and significant. By joining the accountability group at our church, the match is so profound. I needed to see a life reflecting the power of the resurrection. As a child weaned from her mother, I sit quietly and know He never took His eyes off of me from the moment I was conceived. Ephesians 1:6 says we are chosen before the foundation of the earth to be holy, blameless, etc. My eyes have seen that this is true. He is so constant, unchanging, consistent and true to His Word and Promises.

There are so many mysteries, but only pride would rob me of this special place of resting in my Daddy's arms. I don't have to have a theological debate on predestination, but I know He is consistent with passionately longing for everyone to "come to the water" "as the deer pants for water"... for now the thirsting is quenched. Somehow in His Sovereignty He knows in that place of Chosen who will be nestled in the Shepherd's arms. He knows those who are struggling and He knows when they will come to the end and find Him Sufficient.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Old and New

The old is dead and gone and useless unless new meshes with the old for something meaningful. All new is useless also. New places and faces without meshing with the old will soon become old. I've learned recently that the stronghold used to keep me from being all that God wants in my life is self-pity. It is so destructive. When a fresh, new insight infuses the old with how much I have been given... my family, my husband, friends, which pales in how much Abba Daddy loves me and showers me with His radiance. What I want to be dead and useless this year is negative, critical thinking. He came to give LIFE, overflowing LIFE. I can appreciate the old, the roots of Christianity and missions mindset from my parents. A care for other people, etc. also came from the past. The new can revive the past where judging is allowed to die. Building up and freeing personalities for reaching potential will replace the critical spirit. After all, it is God's job to judge.