Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Unfortunately, our world does not really understand what goodness is. Many people resent a good person, because of how uncomfortable it is when there are secret or overt sins. There's a sense of judgment that is perceived even if the person is not actually judging. Some people appear to be good, and yet, it is by sheer determination that they are accomplishing a set of rules. Those people are harsh in judgments of others who are not following the same rules. Goodness is so highly misunderstood. Robert McGee brings such a great word picture to us in Search for Significance. He asks what happens when you squeeze a tube of toothpaste. The answer, "toothpaste." He further explains that in the pressures of life people are "squeezed." Whatever is inside comes out. I'm reminded of the Fruits of the Spirit books & tapes(yes, cassette tapes). The one for goodness dealt with concepts of honey. True goodness is like honey. The more the Lord fills my life with his goodness, I should be full of honey, figuratively speaking. In the squeeze of life, what comes out? honey I repent and apologize for my pharisaical(sp?) judgments, inappropriate venting, etc of the past. I can determine (white knuckle it) to never do that again. However, I am too weak to prevent it. The only way for things to change is if the Holy Spirit fills me with His Goodness. Then when I am squeezed, hopefully all that is in me and all that comes out is honey.

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