Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Sometimes in a vortex of circumstances that are overwhelming, we lose sight of those who are precious to us. At times like this, I look for some way to find relief in a tangible person who might possibly understand. However, in reality, we each have specific circumstances that no one else can truly understand. Only the Lord truly understands. In that place, He does the healing. Then our eyes are open to all the relationships that are valuable. Why is it that we always feel so alone when life is overwhelming? It isn't really true, but life can make us feel that way. There are myriads of people who have experienced similar circumstances, or their set of circumstances though different are traumatic in their own way. The Lord is Jehovah Rapha (Our Healer). In Him there is healthy, wholesome life. Once we are able to look up again, we see the faces of faithful friends. There is not the need to find someone else out there who might possibly relieve the pain. "By His stripes we are healed." No other person on earth is capable of reaching down into our inner being and "restoring our soul". In this place, I thank everyone who has prayed for me and my family. He hears and He answers.

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